Wednesday, February 10, 2010

It's about time, I know!- November Play Date

Yes, I know it's been WAY too long since I've updated our blog. (Sorry, Mom) In the interest of keeping things in order, I'm posting them back to our play date in November. It was so much fun! Sarah had a blast!

Here are Sarah and Lia posing, Preston was running around somewhere being silly!

There's Preston with Michelle attempting to convince him to be in the photo
Finally, there he is playing Peek-A-Boo with me!

After playing and on our way out, Sarah and Preston wanted to climb the rock wall! Here is Preston doing just that! This is as high as he got!

And this would be as high as Sarah got-can't you tell by the look on her face how "done" she was?

She was all smiles at the beginning!
just starting out!

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